Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega | Configuring SLA in Pega


Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega | Configuring SLA in Pega
Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega | Configuring SLA in Pega

Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega | Configuring SLA in Pega


Service level agreements (SLAs) are an important part of any organization's IT Service Management (ITSM) program. In this article, we'll describe what an SLA is, how Pega can help you create and manage them, and some best practices for setting up SLAs.


Service-level agreements (SLAs) establish the performance expectations and obligations for a service provider. They are used to measure the quality and availability of systems, networks, and applications supporting business processes. The Pega Platform offers two different types of SLA: Predefined SLAs and User-Defined SLA.

Predefined SLAs—These predefined templates define the level of service that is expected from the service provider. You can use one of these predefined templates to configure your own SLA by customizing it based on your organization's needs.

User-defined SLAs — These user-defined templates are used to monitor a specific user or group's subscriptions in Pega Cloud Portal (PCP).

Service Level Agreement (SLA) in Pega

Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between the service provider and the customer. It defines the service levels that will be provided by the service provider to its customers and how they will be measured.

Whereas an SLA can be used by any type of business, it's especially important for cloud computing solutions because these solutions are often used for mission-critical applications where downtime cannot be tolerated.

Configuring SLA in Pega

To configure SLA in Pega, you need to do the following steps:

  • Log in to the Pega Cloud Console and click on the Configuration tab.

  • Get an account for each business unit that needs access to your app's SLA configuration data.

Step 1: Create the SLA table

  • Create the SLA table.

  • Create a work class rule and add activities to it that correspond to the service level agreement (SLA), such as Enterprise Service Bus, Web Services, ERP, etc., and list them in their respective tables of contents.

  • Create an activity for each service level agreement (SLA), such as Enterprise Service Bus, Web Services and ERP services; then create single SLA rules for each activity created in Step 2 above and link them back to their respective activities created in Step 2 above.

Step 2: Create the Activity

  • Create the Activity: An activity is a task that can be performed by one or more users. It is a logical unit of work that can be performed by one or more users and has a start and end date, time and name, description and notes associated with it. For example, if you want to create an SLA for creating a new user account in your organization then you would need to create an activity named “Create User Account” with all the details like Name of User etc.,

Step 3: Define Single SLA rules for each Activity and link them to the respective Activities created in Step 2.

After the activity and SLA rules are created, you can start defining the single SLA rules for each activity.

An SLA rule is used to define the percentage of time that an activity should be completed within.

You can configure single SLA rules for each activity by following these steps:

  • Click Configure > Service Level Agreement > Single Rules on your Pega Platform UI or click [Service Level Agreements] under [Configuration] in your menu bar on the upper left corner of your UI to open up Service Level Agreement (SLA) configuration screen.

  • Click [Add New Rule] button from topmost left corner of this screen and then select a required type from dropdown list as shown in below image:

Step 4: Attach the Activity rule created in Step 2 to the work class rule. In this case, it is attached to a parent work class.

Now, you need to attach the activity rule created in Step 2 to the work class rule. In this case, it is attached to a parent work class. The activity rule should be attached to all the work classes that are part of the process.

Step 5: Run the process and enter the SLA details while creating a new case.

To run the process and enter the SLA details while creating a new case, follow these steps:

  • Go to Cases > New Case.

  • Enter the information required in the form and click Create.

  • The system will create a new case with Service Level Agreement (SLA) details embedded in it. You can view these details by clicking on the SLA tab below Case Details.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) help define and measure service performance and provide a framework for improvements.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) help define and measure service performance, providing a framework for improvements. They are used to set service levels for customers, and they are an important part of the contract between a business and its customers.


We hope that this article helped you understand how to configure SLAs in Pega.

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